Couples and Relationship Clinic

Next session
Saturday 10th August, 2024.

This is a program for couples and individuals who want to improve their relationships with their partners, children or significant others.

Who should attend

Couples or individuals who are experiencing:

  • frequent anger and conflict in your relationships;
  • frequent arguments without being able to reach a resolution or mutual understanding; 
  • feeling rejected or disconnected from a significant person;
  • feeling overwhelmed by a significant other's demands for attention.

How the program can help your relationship

As a participant you will have the space to explore and address:

  • what is triggering your arguments;
  • what is leading to the breakdown in your communication;
  • your recurring patterns of feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, rejected or pressured into situations that make you feel uncomfortable.

Program details

This is a full-day workshop from 9.30am to 4pm on Macleay Island. 

Lift from Macleay Island ferry to the venue available at 9.00am.

Book early, maximum 10 participants.

Next clinic :

  • Saturday 10th August

Program cost:

  • $250 per couple.
  • $140 if attending alone.

The dance of intimacy

The dance of intimacy is filled with random moments of closeness and distance, embrace and loss. Contact's constant inhalation and exhalation flow.