Inner conflict

Describe the dream as though it is happening now -

"I am FULL of anger and judgement towards my brother. He's FULL of joy and shameless for doing things he enjoys greatly, rather than working more. He's having great fun doing what he likes and enjoys. I shame him endlessly for his lack of transparency, the dishonesty, how he hurts people who depend on him with his deceit. He starts to listen to me, considers what I'm saying. I panic that he might follow through. Own his desires, and quit his job. I panic at the consequences and backtrack." This painting represents my dream.

I see you

Describe the dream as though it is happening now -

"I walk into the bathroom. There is a mirror above the vanity. I stand in front of  the mirror and look at myself. Then I notice the bathtub alongside the vanity. My brother is lying in it, fully dressed. The bathtub has no water in it. He is just lying there, in silence, looking at me. I feel angry. He is spying on me! Depriving me of  my privacy! 

Exploring the dream
I see you -

Take a moment to explore reality of the other character in your dream, 'your brother'. Do this by telling the dream from this character's perspective; after all, he is a projection of your own life experience, which you have expressed by making it 'not you'. But it is a part of you.

"I walk into the bathroom, I want to be away from everyone. I want a moment's privacy, to be left alone for a while. I lie in the bathtub. It holds me, I can just be there for a while. I am happy. My sister walks in. She hasn't seen me. I don't make any noise, hopefully she will just leave so I can return to my peaceful solitude. She sees me. She gets angry with me! "

The crashing car

Describe the dream as though it is happening now -

"I drive my car until I come to an intersection, my brakes don't work, the car does not stop. It rolls towards ongoing traffic until it hits another car. I park my car on the side of a road and get out, ready to walk away. My car rolls along the street towards other cars. Sometimes it hits and scratches other cars."

Speak as though you are the elements or people in the dream. I am... I do...

"I am my car. I roll towards others. I want to, I need to stop but I don't. I hurt myself and I cause damage to others when I don't stop."

"I am rolling along, minding my own business when this car crashes into me. It stops when it crashes into me, but it is too late now. It should have stopped earlier, I am confused I am angry that it didn't stop before; what's the point of stopping now?"

Exploring the dream
Inner Conflict -

Take a moment to explore the reality of the other character in your dream, 'your brother'. 

"My sister comes to me. She is shouting at me, telling me what a horrible person I am for doing things I love. She tells me I am making my family suffer. I tell her that I have created a beautiful life and family with my wife. I really love her and what we have created together. And when I go out and have fun, I am celebrated in a different way, for other attributes. My sister is unstoppable  in her anger. I feel overpowered by her. She does not listen to me. She is scary. I listen to her, I consider that maybe I could speak to my wife about the parts of me that find fulfilment away from home. As I say this to my sister, she tells me that perhaps she doesn't know what she is talking about after all." This painting represents my dream as told from the place of my brother.

What does the dream 'I see you' mean to you?

"I was shocked to realise that from his perspective, I interrupted my brother, he was not spying on me.

In telling the dream from 'my brother's' perspective I can see my readiness to judge others, as though everyone is always engaged with me. I can see that I deny people's own reality.

I also realise that both characters, 'myself and my brother' want to be left alone, in solitude; to enjoy privacy. Or do they? Do I really just want to be left alone? If I truly did, I would not place observers and mirrors around me. I want to be seen, but not disturbed."

How does this impact your life?

I often think about how much I want to hide from everyone, but instead I live my life in the presence of others. I am realising that so far I have resisted pushing everyone away because I actually want them in my life. Until now, I had not acknowledged this.

The dreamer talks about the dream of The crashing car -

"This is a repetitive dream I have had for over 20 years.

It causes me great distress to see the car moving when I don't want it to.

I hate seeing my car damaged, and I also feel so much guilt for damaging other cars. I know I will have to pay for the damage."

What does the dream mean to you?

"In reading what I wrote above, 'I need to stop but I don't', I finally understand that this dream is about not being assertive when I need to be, not being able to say what I want, not being able to say 'no'. I can acknowledge the anxiety I feel if I 'go along' with others when I don't want to. Now I am more likely to try saying 'no' when I feel I need to.

"I also realise that if I stop earlier I am afraid I will not be noticed, I may get no attention from others. I'm afraid of not being noticed and I'm going about it in a harmful way".

Send in your dream... 

...and be guided in exploring its deeper meaning. 

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